Possible other wineries - more research required. Some may be very new, others no longer producing wine or else they are labels of other wineries or wine clubs:
3 Terraces Wines (WE)
Aorangi Road (HB)
Archer McRae (WE)
Avatar Wine (WE)
Bella Terra Wines (NE)
Bradshaw Estate Winery (HB)
Braemar Estate (WK)
Branken Hill Estate (MA)
Brownlie Estate (HB)
Canadoro Wines (WE)
Castalia Wines (HB)
Caythorpe Vineyards (MA)
Central Hawkes Bay Wines (HB)
Celeron Estate (HB)
Chapman Road Estate (OT)
CharRees Vineyard (CA)
Christina Estate (WE)
Cildara Estate Winery (HB)
Claddagh Vineyards (HB)
Clay Cliffs Estate (OT)
Claymore Vintners (AU)
Clayridge Vineyards (MA)
Clutha Ridge (OT)
Collard Estate (AU)
Contour Ridge(OT)
Corozo Estate (HB)
Courage Creek (NO)
Courtenay River Wines (CA)
*Covell Estate Wines (WK)
Crighton Estate (MA)
Crooked Earth Wines
Darnley Corner (WP)
Delamore Estate (AU
Delta Wine Company (MA)
De Redcliffe (WK)
Desert Heart Estate (OT)
De Vine Wines (OT)
Dionysus Estate (WP)
Doubtless Bay (NO)
Dry Plains Wines (CA)
Dunnolly Vineyard (WP)
Earths End (OT)
Echolands Estate (WK)
Edbrooke Vineyard (AU)
Ellesmere Wine Company (CA)
Emeny Road (WA)
Endeavour Wines (MA)
Equinox Wines (HB)
Esk River Wines (HB)
Evoke Wines (GI)
Fareham Lane (MA)
Fenton Estate (AU)
Ferryman's Vineyard (AU)
Fino Valley Wines (AU)
Firstland (WK)
Floating Mountain
Foreman's Vineyard (AU)
Francis-Cole (AU)
Fraser River Estate (OT)
Fraters Wines (WE)
Fullers Vineyard (AU)
Gardo Morris (AU)
Gazardiel Wines (CA)
Gecko Wines (CA)
GI Wine Company (AU)
Glasnevin (WA)
Glen Garth (WE)
Golden Hills Estates (NE)
Golden River (OT)
Goldenvines Estate (GI)
Gort Vintners (MA)
The Grapevine (WE)
Hamden Estate (WE)
Hand (CA)
Harrier Rise (AU)
Hau Ariki Wines (WE)
Hawks Nest (AU)
Hazledine Brothers (OT)
Hidden Valley Vineyards (WK)
Holford Lane Wines (CA)
Holly Lodge Estate (WE)
Homewood Vineyard (GI)
Horsford Downs (CA)
Huamata Vineyard (MA)
Isola Estates (AU)
Jamie Tait Wines (NE)
John Kelly (OT)
John Loughlin (HB)
Joyce Whyte Estate (MA)
Kaikoura Winery (MA)
Kairos (AU)
Kanuka Forest Wines (WK)
Kauri Peninsula Vineyards (AU)
Karaka Vineyards (AK)
Kel-burn Estate (WE)
Kenley Vineyard (OT)
Kevern Walker (HB)
Kindale Wines (MA)
Kinvara Estate (HB)
Kiwi House Wines (HB)
Kiwi-Oeon Ltd (MA)
Knights Road Wines (GI)
Kotare Wines (MA)
La Fong Wines (AU)
Lake Taupo Vineyard (WK)
Lanark Lane (MA)
Lang Estate (WP) 2004)
Langdale Wines (now Waipara Hills?)
La Pineta Vineyards (AU)
Larcomb Vineyard (CA)
Leburn Estate (NE)
Le Gros Family Vines (NE)
Leopardi (WP)
Lime Rock Wines (HB)
Linacre Lane (WE)
Lindis Valley Wines (OT)
Little Vineyards of Wairarapa (WE)
Lochinvine (CA)
Lonely Bay Vineyard (WK)
Longburn Wines (OT)
Mad Dog Vineyard (NO)
Maison Noire (HB)
Maharg Wines (OT)
Manaia Wines (AU)
Margaret John Vineyard (OT)
Martin Watt Wine
Martina Vineyard (GI)
Matahiwi Vineyard (WE)
Mayfair Wine Cellars (AK)
May's Vineyard (OT)
Mebus Estate (WE)
Mercator Wines (WP)
Michael Ramon (NO)
Minaret Peaks (OT)
Miners Lane Vineyard (OT)
Misty Valley Wines (AU)
Monarch Downs (NO)
Moteo Wines (HB)
Mount Cass Vineyards (WP)
Mt Iron (OT)
Mount Linton Wines (MA)
Mount Olympus (MA)
Mt Tamahunga (NO)
*Mountain Beech (NE)
Murrays Road Wines (MA)
Ngaruroro Estate (HB)
Northern Arch Wines (WP)
Northrow (MA)
Oakura Estate (AU)
O'Dwyers Creek Vineyard (MA)
Old Road Wines (MA)
Omarama Vineyard (OT)
Onetangi Road Vineyard (AU)
Opaki Lodge Wines (WE)
Orapiu Grove (AU)
Origin Wines (HB)
Orpington Partnership (OT)
Otago Crown Wines (OT)
Pakihi Island Winery (AK)
Papatea (MA)
Paradise Quarry Wines (NO)
Peninsula Estate (AU)
Penniket Vineyard (OT)
Petrae Estate (WE)
Petries Wines (CA)
Pierre Estate (WE)
Pipeclay Gully Vineyard (OT)
Pleiades Vineyard (MA);
Pohutu Wines (GI)
Pond Paddock Vineyard (WE)
Pouparae Park (GI)
Prospect Vineyard (HB)
Provincial Vineyards (MA)
Pukeko Vineyard (NO)
Purple Heights Estate (CA)
Putangitangi Wines (MA)
Quarry Rock (CA)
Rabbit Ridge Vineyard (AU)
Rafters Rd (OT)
Rattletrack Wines (CA)
Repongaere Estate (GI)
Richmond Range Estate (MA)
Ridgeview Estate (AU)
Riverbed Wines (AU)
Riverbrook Vineyard (MA)
River Farm Wines (MA)
Riverline Vineyard (OT)
Riversleigh Estate (MA)
Rochfort Rees Wine Company (AU)
Rock 'n' Pillar (OT)
Rockwood Cellars (HB)
Rowi Wines (GI)
Rua Whenua Wines (HB)
Ruamahanga River Estate (WE)
Ryan Estate (HB)
St Georges Estate (HB)
St Martin (WE)
Sanderson Wines (HB)
Sauvage Family Vineyard (OT)
Savidge Estates (GI)
Saxton Estate (NE)
Seaview Wines (AU)
Sentinel Vineyard (MA)
Seven Oaks (CA)
Sheep Shagger's (OT);
Shepherds Croft (HB)
Shepherds Ridge (MA)
Silverton Estate (HB)
Sisters Ridge (WP)
Sleeping Giant Vineyards (HB)
Small Theory Wines (WP)
Soma (NE)
Spence Family Vineyard (AU)
Springwood Estate (HB)
Stafford Lane (NE)
Sterling Lines Vineyard (CA)
Stillwater Bay (MA)
Stonehouse Winery (GI)
Stony Bay (HB)
Stockbridge Vineyards (HB)
Stopbanks Wines (MA)
Styx Wine Co. Ltd (OT)
Swannanoa Wines (CA)
Takatu Vineyard (NO)
Tapata Wines (MA)
Taramea Wines (OT)
Te Arai Point Estate (AU)
Te Awanga Estate (HB)
Te Papa Wines (WE)
Te Puna (NO)
Te Rehua Vineyard (WE)
Terrata Estate (HB)
The Grail (HB)
Thomsons Trail (WE)
Three Fires Vineyard (OT)
Tolaga Bay Estate (GI)
Tongariro Estate (WK)
Torr Estate (OT)
Torrent Bay Wines (NE)
Torwood Estate (AU)
Tranquil Valley (Huasheng Wines Ltd) (NO)
Victory Wines (NE)
Villa Noortheim (AU)
Vodanovich Wines (AU)
Waiau Valley Vineyard (WE)
Waihopai River Vineyard (MA)
Waikeri Creek (OT)
Waitaki Valley Estates (OT)
Waiuku River Wines (AK)
Wakefield Vineyard (WE)
Walker Estate Vineyard (WE)
Walnut Ridge Estate (WE)
Wattlebank (CA)
Wentworth Estate (OT)
Whiterock Vineyard WP)
Whitestone Wines (WP)
Wishart Estate (HB)
Witters Wines (GI
Woodfield Estate (WK)
Woodhill (AU)
Woodside Hill (AU)
Yozin Vineyards (AU)