R - Z
Wineries are listed here in alphabetical order. If preferred, they
can be viewed grouped together by geographic regions .
Those wineries marked with * either have full organic certification from
BIO-GRO NZ or are in the process of gaining a certificate.
NO = Northland AU = Auckland WK = Waikato/Bay of Plenty
GI = Gisborne HB = Hawkes Bay WE = Wellington/Wairarapa
MA = Marlborough NE = Nelson WP = Waipara
CA = Canterbury OT = Otago
Rabbit Ranch (OT)
Rannach Vineyard (AU)
Ransom Wines (AU)
Ra Nui Wines (MA)
Rapaura Springs (MA)
Redbank Estate (WE)
Red Barrell Vineyard (HB)
Red Deer Wine (MA)
Red Leaf Winery (CA)
Redmetal Vineyards (HB)
Redoubt Hill Vineyard (NE)
Remarkable Wines (OT)
Renato Estate (NE)
Revington Vineyard (GI)
Richardson Wines (AU)
*Richmond Plains (NE)
Rimu Grove Winery (NE)
Rippon Vineyard (OT)
Ritzling (WE)
Riverby Estate (MA)
River Farm Wines (MA)
Riverside Wines (HB)
Riwaka River Estate (NE)
Rochfort Rees (AU)
*Rock Ferry Wines (MA)
Rockburn (OT)
Rod McDonald Wines (HB)
Rongopai Wines (WK)
Rosebank Estate Winery (CA)
Rossendale Wines (CA)
Ruby Bay Vineyard (NE)
Runner Duck Estate (AU)
Ryan Nelsen Wines (OT)
Sacred Hill Winery (HB)
Sailfish Cove (NO)
Saint Clair Estate (MA)
St Francis Wine Company (NO)
St Jerome Wines (AU)
St Lukes Estate Wines (MA)
St Nesbit Winery (AU)
Saltings Estate Vineyard (AU)
Salvare Estate (HB)
Sam Harrop Wines (AU)
Sanctuary House Wines (AU)
Sandihurst Wines (CA)
Sapich Bros Winery (AU)
Sarastro Wines (MA)
Saratoga Estate (AU)
Savvy Wines (MA)
Schist Hills (OT)
*Schubert Wines (WE)
Sea Level Wines (NE)
Secret Stone (MA)
Seibel Wines (AU)
Seifried Estate (NE)
Selaks (AU)
Selaks Drylands Estate (MA)
Serendipty Vineyard (OT)
*Seresin Estate (MA)
Settler Winery (HB)
Shaky Bridge (OT)
Shepherds Ridge (MA)
Sherwood Estate Wines (CA)
Silver Wing Wines (WP)
Shingle Peak (MA)
Sileni Estates (HB)
Sirens Wines (CA)
*Sirocco Wines (CA)
Sleeping Dogs (OT)
Sleeping Giant (HB)
Small and Small (MA)
Smith and Sheth (HB)
*Soderberg Wines (MA)
Soho Wine Company (AU)
Soljans Estate Winery (AU)
Southbank Estate (MA)
Spade Oak (GI)
Spencer Hill Wines (NE)
Springbank (MA)
Springvale Estate (OT)
Spy Valley (MA)
Squawking Magpie (HB)
Staete Landt (WE)
Stanley Estates (MA)
Starborough (MA)
Stephenson Estate (WP)
Steve Bird Wines (WK)
Stone Bridge Wines (GI)
*Stonecroft (HB)
Stonecutter (WE)
Stoneleigh Vineyard (MA)
Stonecrop Wines (WE)
Stonyridge Vineyard (AU)
Streamblock (WK)
Straight8 Estate (CA)
Sublime Wine (OT)
Sugar Loaf Wines (MA)
Summerhouse (MA)
*Sunset Valley (NE)
Sunshine Bay Wines (MA)
*Supernatural Wine Company (HB)
Surveyor Thomson (OT)
Swallows Ceossing (OT)
*Takamatua Valley Vineyards (CA
Takapototo Estate Wines (WK)
Tantalus Estate (AU)
*Tapi Wines (MA))
Tasman Bay Wines (NE)
Takatu Vineyard (AU)
Tarras Vineyards (OT)
Te Awa Winery (HB)
Te Hera Estate (WE)
Te Hana (GI)
Te Henga Wines (AU)
Te Kairanga Wines (WE)
Te Mania Estate (NE)
Te Mata Estate Winery (HB)
Te Mara Estate (OT)
Te Motu (AU)
Te Pa Wines (MA)
Ten Sisters (MA)
Terra Sancta (OT)
*Terrace Edge (WP)
Terrace Heights Estate (MA)
Terravin Wines (MA)
Terroir Wines (WE)
Te Whai Bay Wines (NO)
*Te Whare Ra Wines (MA)
Te Whau Vineyard (AU)
The Antipodean Winery (NO)
The Better Half Wines (MA)
The Bone Line (WP)
The Darling Wines (MA)
The Elder Pinot (WE)
The Family Company Wines (GI)
The Lakes (OT)
The Landing Vineyard (NO)
The Marlborist (MA)
The People's Wine (AU)
The 3rd Man (WP)
The Sisters (MA)
The Winemakers Wife (CA)
The Watcher (MA)
Thornbury Wines (HB)
Three Miners Vineyard (OT)
Thyme Hill (OT)
Ti Point (AU)
Tiki Wine (CA)
Tincan Wines (NE)
Tindall Vineyard (MA)
Tinpot Hut (MA)
Tin Shed Wines (CA)
Tirohana Estate (WE)
*Tiritiri Estate (GI)
Tiwaiwaka Wines (WE)
Tohu Wines (MA)
Toitoi Wine (AU)
Tony Bish Wines (HB)
Top Knot Hill Vineyard (AU)
Tora Bay Wines (WE)
Torea Wines (MA)
Torwood Estate (AU)
TOSQ Wines (OT)
Totara Wines (MA);
Tongue in Groove Wine (WP)
Tram Road (CA)
Treehouse Estate (WE)
Trent's Estate Vineyard (CA)
Tresillian Estate (CA)
Trinity Hill (HB)
Triple Eight (CA)
TruBome (WE)
True and Daring (CA)
*Tua Marina Vineyards (MA)
Tuki Vineyard (HB)
Tukipo River Estate (HB)
Tukipo Terraces (HB)
Tupari Wines (MA)
*Turanga Creek Wines (AU)
Turning Heads (MA)
*Tussock Hill Vineyard (CA)
TW Wines (GI)
Twin Totara Wines (AU)
Two Degrees (OT)
Two Paddocks (OT)
Two Rivers of Marlborough (MA)
Two Sisters Vineyard (OT)
Two Swans Estate (WP)
Two Tails (MA)
Unison Vineyard (HB)
Unkel Wines (NE)
*Urlar Estate (WE)
Valley Road Vineyard (CA)
Valli Vineyards (OT)
van Asch Wines (OT)
Vavasour Winery (MA)
Vela Wines (OT)
Vernon Family Estate (MA)
Vicarage Lane (MA)
Vidal (HB)
View East Vineyard (AU)
Vilagrad Wines (WK)
Villa Maria Estate (AU)
Vin Alto (AU)
Vinovate Wines (HB)
Vinoptima Estate (GI)
Vinpro (OT)
Vinultra (MA)
Viscosity Wines (MA)
Vista Wines (NE)
Volcanic Hills (AU)
Voss Estate (WE)
*Vynfields (WE)
Waimarie Wines (AU)
Waimata Wines (GI)
Waimea Estates (NE)
Waiohika Estate (GI)
Waipara Downs (WP)
Waipara Hills (WP)
Waipara River Estate (WP)
Waipara Springs (WP)
Waipara West (WP)
Waipipi Vineyard (WE)
Wairau River Wines (MA)
Waitaki Braids (OT)
Waitapu Estate (NO)
Waitaria Wines (GI)
Waitiri Creek (OT)
*Walnut Block Wines (MA)
Waterfalls Road (MA)
Weeredbarn (WE)
*Weka River (WP)
West Brook Winery (AU)
Weston Winery (OT)
Wet Jacket (OT)
Whistling Buoy (CA)
Whitehaven (MA)
Wild Earth (OT)
Wild Estate (AU)
Wild Irishman Wines (OT)
Wild Rock Wine Company (HB)
Wild South (MA)
*William Murdoch Wines (HB)
Willowbank Wines (MA)
Wine Growers of Ara (MA)
Winelord (NE)
Winslow Wines (WE)
Wither Hills (MA)
Woodside Hill (AU)
*Woollaston Estates (NE)
Wooing Tree (OT)
Woven Stone (WE)
Wrights Wines (GI)
Wycroft (WE)
Wyebrook Estate (MA)
Young Estate (HB)
Yealands Estate (MA)
Zephyr (MA)
Zepelin Wines (HB)