L - Q
Wineries are listed here in alphabetical order. If preferred, they
can be viewed grouped together by geographic regions .
Those wineries marked with * either have full organic certification from
BIO-GRO NZ or are in the process of gaining a certificate.
NO = Northland AU = Auckland WK = Waikato/Bay of Plenty
GI = Gisborne HB = Hawkes Bay WE = Wellington/Wairarapa
MA = Marlborough NE = Nelson WP = Waipara
CA = Canterbury OT = Otago
Ladybird Hill (OT)
La Fong Wines (AU)
Lake Chalice Wines (MA)
Lake Forsyth Vineyard (CA)
Lake Road Wines (GI)
Lamont Wines (OT)
Landmark Estate (AU)
Lansdown Estate (WE)
Lawsons Dry Hills (MA)
Leaning Rock Vineyard (OT)
Le Gra (WE)
Lightband Wines (NE)
Lil Ripper Wines (MA)
Lime Rock Wines (HB)
Limestone Hills (WP)
Lincoln Wines (AU)
Linden Estate (HB)
Lindis River Wines (OT)
Lismore Wines (WP)
Little Beauty Wines (MA)
*Little Darling Wines (MA)
Little Harvest (AU)
Locharburn Wines (OT)
Lochiel Estate (NO)
Lone Goat Vineyards (CA)
Lone Hill Vineyard (OT)
Long Boat Wines (MA)
*Longbush Wines (GI)
Longridge (HB)
Longview Estate (NO)
Loopline Vineyard (WE)
*Loveblock (MA)
Lowburn Ferry (OT)
Luna Estate (WE)
Lynfer Estate (WE)
McBride-Sillig Vineyard (MA)
McCashin's Estate (NE)
McGeorge Wine Co (WA)
Mackenzie's Pardon (WP)
McNaught and Walker (MA)
Mahi (MA)
Mahurangi River (AU)
Maimai Creek (HB)
Ma Maison Wines (WE)
Mangaorapa Estate (HB)
Mammoth Wines (NE)
Man O' War (AU)
Maori Point Vineyards (OT)
Marble Point Winery (WP)
Margraine Vineyard (WE)
Marisco Vineyards (MA)
Mark Rattray (HB)
Marlborough Wine Limited (MA)
Marsden Estate (NO)
Martin Watt Wine (WK)
Martinborough Vineyard (WE)
Martinus Estate (WE)
Matahiwi (WE)
Matakana Estate (AU)
Matariki Wines (HB)
Matavino (AU)
Matawhero Wines (GI)
Matua Valley Wines (AU)
Maude Wines (OT)
Maven Wines (MA)
Mazuran's (AU)
Melton Estate (CA)
Meniscus Wines (CA)
Mercury Bay Estate (WK)
Messenger Wines (AU)
Middle Earth Wines (NE)
Milcrest Estate (NE)
Millars Vineyard (NO)
Mills Reef Winery (WK)
*Millton Vineyard (GI)
Ministry of Wine (AU)
Miro VineyardAK
Misha's Vineyard (OT)
Mission Estate Winery (HB)
Misty Cove Wines (MA)
Mitre Rocks (OT)
Moi Wines (AU)
Monarch Estate (NO)
Mon Cheval (WP)
Moncellier Wines (AU)
Mondillo Vineyards (OT)
Monowai Estate (HB)
Morton Estate Wines (WK)
Mount Base Vineyards (MA)
Mt Beautiful (WP)
Mount Brown (WP)
Mount Difficulty Wines (OT)
Mount Dottrell Wines (OT)
*Mount Edward (OT)
Mount Fishtail Wines (MA)
Mount Michael Wines (OT)
Mount Riley Wines (MA)
Mount Rosa (OT)
Mount Tamahunga (AU)
Mountain Road Winery (WE)
Mountford Estate (WP)
Moutere Hills (NE)
Moy Hall (WE)
Mudbrick VineyardAK
Mudhouse Wines (MA)
Muirlea Rise (WE)
*Murdoch James Estate (WE)
Murrays Road Wines (MA)
Mystery Creek Wines (WK)
Nanny Goat Vineyard (OT)
Nautilus Estate (MA)
Neudorf Vineyard (NE)
Nevis Bluff (OT)
Newton Forrest Estate (HB)
Nga Waka Vineyard (WE)
Ngapuarata Vines & Wines (CA)
Ngatarawa Wines (HB)
NO 1 Family Estate (MA)
Nobilo WinesAK
Northburn Station (OT)
Northfield Wines (WP)
Northland Wine Company (NO)
Obsidian (AU)
O'Dwyers Creek Wines (MA)
*Odyssey Wines (AU)
Ohau Gravels (WE)
Ohinemuri Estate Wines (WK)
*Ohui Vineyard (WK)
Okahu Estate (NO)
Okurukuru Wines (WE)
Old Glenmark Vicarage Wines (WP)
Omaha Bay Vineyard (AU)
Omaka Springs Estate (MA)
Omarino Wine Park (CA)
Omata Estate (NO)
Omeo (OT)
Omori Estate (WK)
On Giants Shoulders (WE)
One Block Wines (MA)
Opihi Vineyard (CA)
Orinoco Vineyards (NE)
Osawa Wines (HB)
Ostler Vineyard (OT)
Otiake Estate (OT)
Otu (MA)
Owhanake Bay Estate (AU)
Oyster Bay (MA)
Packspur (OT)
Palliser Estate (WE)
Pakihi Island Winery (AU)
Paper Road Wines (WE)
Paritua Vineyards (HB)
Park Estate (HB)
Parker Methode Champenoise (GI)
Paroa Bay Winery (NO)
Parr & Simpson Limestone Bay (NE)
*Partington Wines (NE)
Pasquale (OT)
Passage Rock (AU)
Patriarch Wines (MA)
Paua Bay Wines (MA)
Paulownia Estate (WE)
Peacock Sky (AU)
Pearson Estate (WP)
Pear Tree Wines (MA)
Pegasus Bay (WP)
Peregrine Wines (OT)
Perseverance Estate (OT)
Petane Station Wines (HB)
Pheasant Creek Wines (WE)
Pied Stilt (NE)
Pierre Estate (WE)
Pisa Moorings (OT)
Pisa Range Estate (OT)
Pleasant Valley Wines (AU)
Poderi Crisci Vineyard (AU)
Pohangina Valley Estate (WE)
Point Bush Estates (CA)
Pond Paddock (WE)
Poppies (WE)
Porters Estate (WE)
Poverty Bay Wine Estate (GI)
Prophets Rock (OT)
Providence Wines (AU)
Pukeora Estate (HB)
Purangi Estate (AU)
Puriri Hills (AU)
*Pyramid Valley (WP)
Quarry Road Wines (WK)
Quail Lane
*Quartz Reef (OT)
Quest Farm (OT)
Qwine (OT)