E - K
Wineries are listed here in alphabetical order. If preferred, they
can be viewed grouped together by geographic regions .
Those wineries marked with * either have full organic certification from
BIO-GRO NZ or are in the process of gaining a certificate.
NO = Northland AU = Auckland WK = Waikato/Bay of Plenty
GI = Gisborne HB = Hawkes Bay WE = Wellington/Wairarapa
MA = Marlborough NE = Nelson WP = Waipara
CA = Canterbury OT = Otago
EarthKeepers Wines (OT)
Easthope Winegrowers (HB)
Ecolove Wines (MA)
Eight Ranges Wines (OT)
Eliot Brothers (MA)
Eradus Wines (MA)
Element Wines (HB)
Elephant Hill (HB)
Eliot Brothers (MA)
Ellero Wines (OT)
Elrick Estate Wines (WP)
Escarpment Vineyard (WE)
Esk Valley Estate Winery (HB)
Eskdale Winegrowers (HB)
Esses Wines (MA)
Eureka Wines (MA)
Expatrius (AU)
Fairbourne Estate (MA)
Fairhall Downs Estate (MA)
Fairmont Estate (WE)
Falcon Ridge Estate (NE);
*Fancrest Estate (WP)
Farmgate Wines (HB)
Fat Pig Vineyard (NO)
*Felton Road Wines (OT)
Fernz Wine (MA)
Fiasco Wines (MA)
Fiddlers Green Wines (WP)
Five Oaks (NE)
Floating Rock (WK)
Folding Hill (OT)
Folium Vineyard (MA)
Forager Wine (WP)
Forrest Estate (MA)
Four Hawk Day (MA)
Fossil Ridge (NE)
Foxes Island (MA)
Framingham (MA)
French Peak Wines (CA)
*Fromm Winery (MA)
Gate20two (OT)
Gatehouse Wines (CA)
Gem (AU)
Georges Road Wines (WP)
GeorgeTown Vineyard (OT)
Gibbston Highgate Estate (OT)
Gibbston Valley (OT)
Gibson Bridge (MA)
Giesen Wine Estate (MA)
Gillman Vineyard (AU)
Gimblett Gravels (HB)
Gisborne Garagiste (GI)
Gladstone Vineyard (WE)
Glenmark Wines (WP)
Glovers (NE)
Goldie Wines (AU)
Goldwater Estate (AU)
Grapesmith (WP)
Grasshopper Rock (OT)
Gravity Winery (NE)
Grava (WE)
Gravel Down Wine (AK)
Greylands Ridge (OT)
Greyrock (HB);
Greystone Wines (WP)
Greywacke (MA)
Grove Mill Winery (MA)
Gunn Estate Winery (HB)
Haha Wine (MA)
Hamden Estate (WE)
*Hans Herzog (MA)
Harakeke Farm Wines (NE)
Harris Estate (WP)
Harvest Estate (WE)
Harwood Hall (MA)
Hatton Estate (HB)
Hawkdun Rise (OT)
Hawkesbridge Wines (MA)
Hawkes Ridge Wine Estate (HB)
Hawkhurst Wines (HB)
Hawksdrift Wines (MA)
Hawkshead Wine (OT)
Hay Paddock (AU)
Haythornthwaite (WE)
Heron's Flight (AU)
Hettinga Estates (HB)
Highfield Estate (MA)
Highrocks Vineyard (HB)
Hihi Wines (GI)
Hillersden Wine (MA)
Hilltop Wines (WK)
Hilok Wines (OT)
Hinchco Family Vineyard (AU)
Hinton Estate (OT)
Himmelsfeld Estate (NE)
Hitchen Road (AU)
Hopes Grove (HB)
House of Ball (WP)
Hudson Vineyard (WE)
*Huia Vineyards (MA)
Hunky Dory Wines (MA)
Huntaway (GI)
Hunters Wines (MA)
Hurunui River Wines (WP)
Hyperion Wines (AU)
Insight Wines (MA)
Inverness Estate (AU)
Invivo Wines (MA)
Iron Hills Vineyards (NO)
Isabel Estate (MA)
Jackson Estate (MA)
James Love (OT)
Johanneshof Cellars (MA)
John Hill Estate (AU)
John Mellars (OT)
Johner Estate (WE)
Judge Rock (OT)
Jules Taylor Wines (MA)
Julicher Estate (WE)
Junction Wines (HB)
Jurassic Ridge (AU)
Kahurangi Estate (NE)
*Kaimira Estate (NE)
Kainui Road Vineyard (NO)
Kaipara Estate (AU)
Kaituna Valley (CA)
Kalex Wines (OT)
Kapiro Vineyard (NO)
Karaka Point Vineyard (AU)
Karikari Estate (AU)
Ka Tahi Wines (HB)
Kate Radburnd Wines (HB)
Kathy Lynskey Wines (MA)
*Kawarau Estate (OT)
Kemblefield Estate (HB)
Kennedy Point Vineyard (OT)
Kerner Estate (MA)
Kerr Farm (AU)
Kidnapper Cliffs (HB)
Kim Crawford Wines (HB)
Kimura Cellars (MA)
Kina Beach Vineyard (NE)
Kina Cliffs (NE)
*Kingsley Estate (HB)
Kingsmill Wines (OT)
Kinross (OT)
Kirkpatrick Estate Winery (GI)
Kono Wines (NE)
*Konrad Wines (MA)
Koura Bay Wines (MA)
Koyama Wines (WP)
Kumeu River Wines (AU)
Kuru Kuru Wines (OT)
Kusuda Wines (WE)